Being for Beginners

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We want to succeed: to forge a career, to make friends, to pursue our interests and opportunities. To feel that life is in balance and we are growing.

Harsh realities can drain away our motivation and leave us feeling unsettled, even overwhelmed. Our long-term success and fulfilment depend upon our ability to perceive, understand and work skilfully with our thoughts and feelings.

These six one-hour workshops are an opportunity to reflect and develop greater clarity of mind; the language of emotional literacy; the ability to notice and work with patterns of thought and feeling. They are designed to increase our agency to make the changes we want to our patterns of thinking, feeling and behaviour; the series offers frameworks for change, and practices that strengthen our wellbeing.

The series explores: 

  • Human needs and nature
  • Our relationships, both internal and external (body, thoughts and feelings, others, nature, the present)
  • Practices for developing greater awareness

The sessions will be run by Roddy Bray who founded the 'Antidote Cafe'. Roddy is an anthropologist interested in evolution, human needs and culture. Roddy is an experienced facilitator with a kind manner, who creates a calm and sensitive space ensuring anonymity and regularly runs courses, including this workshop, at the University of Oxford.

If you have any questions please email

For further information or to book the course please see the course booking page. (This event has now passed.)

If you are an OOCDTP student please sign up via Inkpath.