News & Calls from Migration and Mobility Network
Week 6 Michaelmas Term 2020
MMN Networking Event: Migration and Museums – Announcing Speakers
As we are now less than ten days away from the first networking Migration and Mobility Network's event of the academic year, time has come to announce the speakers! On November 24, at 16.00-17.30 UK time, the following speakers will share with us their work and reflections on migration and museums:
- Aditi Anand, Head of Creative Content at the Migration Museum recently awarded the Radical Changemaker award from the Museums Association. Aditi will talk about some of her work at the Migration Museum.
- Denis Kieran, Migration Observatory and Global Exchange on Migration and Diversity, COMPAS, University of Oxford. Denis will speak about his work helping the artists ANAGRAM realise their creative project, A Face to Open Doors, for Imperial War Museum London’s Refugee Season.
- Rachael Kiddey, British Academy postdoctoral fellow at the School of Archaeology, University of Oxford. Rachael will discuss the ‘Made in Migration’ project, a project which uses collaborative archaeological methods to enable refugees to document their lived experience of displacement through material and visual culture, and in so doing, present a more humanised perspective of contemporary migration
- Emil Beddari, MSc Student at the School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford. Emil will talk about how aesthetic choices in refugee representation respond to, reproduce, and resist existing migration discourses.
If you’d like to register, please do so here. For those who have already registered, they’ll receive a zoom link and password within 48 hours of the event.
MMN: Call for networking/thematic event for Hilary Term 2021
The Migration and Mobility Network (MMN) has space to support the organisation of a thematic event of your choice during Hilary Term 2021. This could take the form of a panel, an 'academic speed-dating' (as an example, read this), or whichever format you deem most appropriate. We are particularly interested in events exploring migration and mobility from an interdisciplinary perspective, which see speakers from different research centres and departments at Oxford, and which foster partnership between these.
Previous topics addressed by the MMN networking events are:
- Migration and Museums (coming up 24th of November)
- Migration and Bureaucracy
- Human trafficking
- Inclusion
- Migration and Family
- Exile
Please send your proposal to Domiziana Turcatti at Deadline: end of Michaelmas term. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Domiziana.
Webinars at Oxford and beyond
Resisting Racial Nationalisms and the Depredations of Capitalism: The Role of Music
- November 16th
- 1-2pm
- Organised by the Centre for Socio-Legal StudiesSchool of Geography and the Environment
- More info:
Community mediation across ethnicities: Building for conflict resolution in diverse societies
- November 18th
- 12.30-2pm
- Organised by the
- More info:
From the ashes of Moria refugee camp to a new migration system
- November 18th
- 4pm
- Organised by the European Studies Centre
- More info:
Feminists in the eyes of God: theories and practices of queer Muslim women in Britain
- November 18th
- 2pm
- Part of: MEC Women's Rights Research Seminars
- More info:
Refugees as human shield: in conversation with Neve Gordon
- November 23rd
- 5.30-6.30pm
- Organised by the Refugee Studies Centre
- More info:
‘Belongers’ and ‘non-belongers’: dividing citizens in 1968
- November 25th
- 5.00-6.00pm
- Organised by the Refugee Studies Centre
- More info:
Revisiting Transnationalism
- November 25th
- 2.00-4.00pm
- Part of a series of seminars delivered by the Global Diversities and Inequalities Research Centre
- Register and more info:
Modern Slavery and Cannabis: A New Commodity Ripe for Exploitation?
- November 25th
- 12.30-13.45pm
- Organised by Bonavero Institute of Human Rights
- More info:
Accommodating Difference: How is Religious Freedom Protected when it Clashes with Other Rights?
- December 1st
- 12.30-13.45pm
- Organised by Bonavero Institute of Human Rights
- More info:
Refugees and racial capitalism: what ‘integration’ in the labour market means
- December 2nd
- 5-6pm
- Organised by the Refugee Studies Centre
Migration and the Pandemic - gender, race and diasporic connections
- December 8th
- 10-11.30 UK time
- Organised by the IMISCOE Standing Commitee on Gender and Sexuality in Migration Research
- Register:
Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement – call for blog articles
The Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement, University of Camrbidge is looking for submissions for their blog. Content should focus broadly on the theme of migration, but we are eager to consider pieces that approach the topic from a wide variety of perspectives. More info here.
2021 IMISCOE Spring Conference – Cfp closing soon on December 1st
COMPAS is organising the 2021 IMISCOE Spring conference on 22-23 March 2021 (online event) on the topic of Messaging Migration and Mobility. To be considered, authors should submit a short abstract (250 words maximum) and a biographical note (100 words maximum per name co-author) to by 1 December 2020. Find the call here.
2021 IMISCOE Annual Conference – call for papers
Originally, the IMISCOE Conference should have taken place in Luxembourg in July 2020. However, due to the COVID-19-Pandemic, the conference had to be rescheduled to July 7-9, 2021. IMISCOE warmly invites you to sent in your abstract or proposal on the theme of “Crossing Borders, Connecting Cultures” and join them, face to face in Luxembourg for the 18th Annual Conference on July 7, 8 and 9, 2021. Deadline: 1st December. More info here.
Superdiversity, Migration and Cultural Change: panel proposals IMISCOE conference 2021 – call for papers
The DIVCULT Standing Committee aims to contribute to the 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference ‘Crossing borders, connecting cultures’ with the following panel proposals:
- Counting and Accounting for Immigrant Cultures
- Cultural Ritualized city Events and the Inclusion of Newcomers
- Inequalities and the arts
Please send your proposal (title, 250-word abstract, name, affiliation and email) by 27 November to: Elsa Mescoli, University of Liège, In case you are interested and available to act as co-chair or discussant for any of the panels, send an email to: More info here.
Call for papers for methods-oriented sessions at the 2021 IMISCOE Annual Conference
Standing Committee Methodological Approaches and Tools in Migration Research aims to contribute to the 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference ‘Crossing borders, connecting cultures’, with themed panel sessions highlighting 1) methodological challenges of doing research during the COVID-19 pandemics, and, related but not limited to this, 2) research methods designed to study inequalities and marginalisation. We invite contributions from a wide range of methodological approaches, including quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods, provided they focus on methodological issues. Please use the 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference’s internet portal ( ) to submit an abstract of your contribution (up to 250 words) by December 1st, 2020 (deadline). More info here.
"Refugee parents’ engagement with education" – Call for papers
Research panel for the 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference aiming to explore the ways in which asylum-seeker and refugee parents - and families more broadly - engage with education. Proposals are welcomed until midnight on 24th November 2020 (CET). More info here.
"The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on international student mobility" – Call for papers
The IMISCOE Standing Committee on Education and Social Inequality is organising a research panel for the 2021 IMISCOE Conference on the impact of the pandemic on international student mobility. lease send your abstract (max. 300 words) to Thais França (, Nicolai Netz (, and Christof van Mol ( before 20th November 2020. More info here.
"Racism and discrimination in education" – call for papers
The IMISCOE Standing Committee on Education and Social Inequality is organising a panel on racism in education for the 2021 IMISCOE annual conference. Please submit your abstract (max. 300 words) to Fatma Zehra Çolak ( and Christine Lang ( ) no later than 22 November 2020. More info here.