Prismatic Translation

Registration is now open for the Oxford Comparative Criticism and Translationannual conference, 'Prismatic Translation', on 1 -3 October. Click here to register. OCCT aim to provide bursaries for 10-13 graduate student attendents to cover the conference costs (first come first served). If you have further questions please contact
Conference Programme (provisional):
1 Oct
9:00-9:15 Coffee and registration
9:20-9:30 Welcome (Matthew Reynolds)
9:30-10:30 Keynote 1: Rocío Banos-Pineiro: The kaleidoscopic nature of Audiovisual Translation: a multiplicity of modalities, landscapes and challenges (chair: Phillip Rothwell)
10:30-10:45 coffee break
10:45-12:15 Panel 1 (3 papers) Resistances (chair: Ben Morgan)
De-pathologizing Perversion: Proust’s Sexual Discourses and Their Chinese Translations, Shuangyi Li
Translating Occupied Jerusalem: A Palestinian-Israeli Struggle for Power and Legitimacy, Ahmad Ayyad
Refracting and Recomposing Cultures, Jean Anderson
12:15-1:30pm lunch
1:30-3pm Panel 2 (3 papers) Pseudo-writing and refraction. (chair: Matthew Reynolds)
Chantal Wright: The translational prism of commentary. Antoine Berman’s L’Âge de la Traduction in English.
‘Less than Paper-Thin’: See-through Translation in Harry Mathews’s Armenian Papers, Dennis Duncan
Kasia Szymanska: Literary Metatranslations: The Ethics of Prismatic Translation
3-3:15pm coffee break
3:15-4:45pm Panel 3 (3 papers) The Translation Machine (chair: Adriana X. Jacobs)
The Poet and the Machine. Machine Translation in Hsia Yü’s Pink Noise, Cosima Bruno
Translation Arrays, Tom Cheesman
Emily Rose: Translating Intersexuality: Producing Multiple Readings with One Text/Body
4:45-5pm Coffee break
5-6:30pm Artist’s/Writer’s talk: Kilgallon and Eran Hadas (respondent: Adriana X. Jacobs)
2 Oct
9:30-10:30 Keynote 2: John Cayley: Mirroring Events at the Sense Horizon: translation over time (chair: tbc)
10:30-10:45 coffee break
10:45-12:45 Panel 4 (4 papers) Shifting Contexts (chair: Kasia Szymanska)
Translation or re-writing? Prismatic versions in Isabel del Río’s Cero negativo/ Zero Negative, Ellen Jones
The Writer’s Archive: A Source for Prismatic Translation, Cecilia Rossi
Tales out of India: Jean-Antoine Dubois’s Translations of Indian Collections of Stories, Claudine le Blanc
Five dramatists, a copyist and a censor in search of a Translation: Sir Thomas More and its Brazilian translation, Régis Augustus Bars Closel
12:45-2pm lunch
2-3:30pm Panel 5 German panel on translation of the Bible (chair: tbc)
Henrike Laehnemann and Howard Jones
3:30-3:45pm Coffee break
3:45-5:15pm Panel 6 Fragments (chair: tbc)
“T pour Traduction(s) – Translating Nonsense Alphabets into French”, Audrey Coussy (Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3)
The Schizophrenic Prism: Louis Wolfson’s Translation System, Alexandra Lukes
Coleridge diffracted, Patrick Hersant
5:15-5:30pm coffee break
5:30-6:30pm Writer’s talk: Philip Terry: Oulipo and the prisms of translation (respondent: Matthew Reynolds)
7pm Conference dinner at St Anne’s College
3 Oct
9:15-10:15 Keynote 3: Emily Apter: The Prism-House of Language: Translational Collective or Corporate Monolingualism? (chair: Ben Morgan)
10:15-10:30 coffee break
10:30-11:55 Panel 7 (3 papers) Script and Image (chair: Xiaofan Amy Li)
Ancient Egyptian visual literariness between the unspoken and the untranslatable, Hany Rashwan
Transnational Scriptworlds, Sowon Park
A Lingo-visual Translation of the Poetry of Shafii Kadkani, Pari Azarm Motamedi
12:00-12:30pm Roundtable and conclusion
Please note that you need to book your accommodation separately. In order to book a room at St Anne's College please follow this link and use the promotional code COMP21608. The charge is £75.00 B&B per room per night.
Further accommodation is available through University Rooms Oxford.