Stuart Hall

Applicants are sought for a DPhil studentship that is part of a collaboration between the Stuart Hall Foundation, Merton College and TORCH.

This opportunity is associated with the Stuart Hall Foundation, which is inspired by the life and work of Professor Stuart Hall. The Stuart Hall Foundation seeks to support new generations of creative thinkers to challenge the status quo and provoke original thinking, debate and research, illuminating connections between politics, culture and society.

This opportunity, funded through Merton College and supported by TORCH, links with the Foundation’s vision to encourage scholars, artists and researchers to build on Professor Stuart Hall’s legacy.

We welcome applications from candidates in any Faculty in the Humanities Division. Candidates with particular research interests in Professor Stuart Hall’s areas of expertise are encouraged, including cultural theory, criticism and reception; race, ethnicity, and identity; and the politics of diasporic experience

This studentship is also part of, and would be expected to contribute to, the two-year headline research theme at TORCH, ‘Humanities & Identities’, which is designed to create new interest in, and opportunities for research that reaches across the humanities and beyond on areas that link to diversity and inclusivity. There will also be opportunities to contribute to conferences and workshops.

The successful candidate will also be encouraged to participate in Merton’s on-course and admissions access and diversity work. This could include speaking at some school events, participating in UNIQ summer schools, and sitting on the College’s Equality Forum.

Award value: The studentship covers University and College (Merton) fees at the Home / EU rate, and provides a stipend (tax-free maintenance grant) of £14,510 (2017-18 rates) for the three years.

Applications will be through the University portal. Note that applications must be received by the relevant January 2017 deadline appropriate to the Faculty.