The Critical Food Studies Network aims to connect researchers across disciplines interested in the study, history, and consumption of food within both metaphorical and material contexts. This group offers a unique opportunity to bridge research and form interdisciplinary connections along the fields of literature, history, anthropology, biology, and more across the University. The group will provide a space to hear from researchers who look at food from various perspectives including postgraduate students, faculty, and guest speakers. The group will also host regular book club meetings tailored to a theme.
Aryehi Bhushan - 2nd year DPhil, Faculty of English
Ashley Castelino - 4th year DPhil, Faculty of English
Maria Murad - 2nd year DPhil, School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography
If you would like to be involved, please join our mailing list here.
Please follow us on X (@OxCFSNetwork), Bluesky (, and Instagram (@criticalfoodstudiesox)
Critical Food Studies Network is part of TORCH Student Networks