Diplomacy in Early Modern Period 1400-1800

This network was funded by TORCH from 2017 to 2019 but has carried on being active.
Please also refer to this article.
The TORCH Network on Diplomacy in the Early Modern Period (1400-1800) was a platform for the study of early modern diplomacy. It brought together scholars from a wide variety of disciplines, including History, Modern Languages, Art History, English, and Philosophy, and was open to everyone working in the field or simply eager to learn more about international exchanges in the early modern period.
Through our events, we aimed to investigate how ambassadors and resident ministers contributed to shaping our modern world. We were interested in their diplomatic and networking activities, in their role as cultural mediators, and in the position they occupied within the Republic of Letters. We invited anyone interested to propose a paper for one of our seminars, and we welcome presentations on individual case-studies as well as broader methodological analyses. The geographical scope of this Network was naturally very broad, and we were interested in diplomatic relations between the Western powers but also in the contributions of small states and in connections with nations beyond the borders of Europe (e.g. with the Middle and Far East).
The Network was running from October 2017 and our seminars were normally held on Tuesday afternoons (4:30-6:30) at the History Faculty.
Contact for this network was Ruggero Sciuto ruggero.sciuto@voltaire.ox.ac.uk.
Joel Butler
Ruggero Sciuto
Tracey Sowerby