Anatolian Languages and Linguistics Summer School

updated graphics anatolian languages and linguistics summer school 05 06


Anatolian Languages and Linguistics Summer School 

The first Anatolian Languages and Linguistics Summer School will be held at the Radcliffe Humanities building on Tuesday 18 June, and at the Ertegun House from Wednesday 19 June to Saturday 22 June 2024.

Registration is now closed. Enquiries can be sent to Michele Bianconi at


It is now possible to register for remote attendance and follow the classes via Zoom – link to be circulated amongst registered participants closer to the date. (Remote participants should be aware that, while there will be space for questions, we cannot guarantee the same degree of interaction as for in-person participants.)


The summer school will be preceded by an Ancient Anatolia Day, which will take place at Wolfson College on Monday 17 June 2024.


Modules and instructors:

The summer school will consist of four modules, taught by specialists in the field:

Writing systems in ancient Anatolia – Prof  Annick Payne, Ca' Foscari University, Venice

Lydian language and linguistics – Dr Ilya Yakubovich, Philipps University, Marburg

The Hittites: Texts and Contexts – Prof Theo van den Hout, The University of Chicago, USA

Anatolian historical linguistics – Prof  H. Craig Melchert, UCLA, USA

Link to access course materials will follow soon. 


Daily schedule

Writing systems in Ancient Anatolia         9.30am – 11.00am

Tea Break                                                     11.00am – 11.30am

The Hittites: Texts and Contexts              11.30am – 1.00pm

Lunch break                                                 1.00pm – 2.00pm

Lydian language and linguistics                2.00pm – 3.30pm

Tea Break                                                     3.30pm – 4.00pm

Anatolian Historical Linguistics                4.00pm – 5.30pm



The Summer School is open to everyone, and there are no specific prerequisites, but some familiarity with basic linguistic and grammatical terminology will be assumed. Knowledge of one or more ancient Indo-European languages will be an advantage.



The fee will cover tuition, lunches, and tea breaks, but no accommodation. All participants are responsible for travel and other living expenses in Oxford. Some bursaries will be available (see below).

Early bird fee (until 1 April 2024)                       £180 students (incl. Ph.D.) and unwaged, £230 others

Regular fee (until 15 May 2024)                         £230 students (incl. Ph.D.) and unwaged, £280 others

Online attendance (until 1 June 2024)             £150 (all categories)


How to enroll

In order to enroll, please follow this link, provide all the required information, and proceed to payment. Please note that you will be automatically registered once you complete the transaction, so there is no need to email us afterwards.



Thanks to the generosity of the Institute of Classical Studies and the Philological Society, we have a limited number of bursaries available to cover the registration fee. Should you wish to apply for a bursary, please send an email to with your CV and a statement (of max 500 words) explaining why you would like to attend this summer school. The deadline for a bursary application is 15 March 2024. You will be notified of the outcome of your application shortly thereafter, and you will be reimbursed after attending the summer school.

If you have any questions or find difficulties in the registration process, please send an email to

Ancient Anatolia Network