Book at Lunchtime welcomes Professor Lorna Hutson (English) to discuss her "brilliant study" England's Insular Imagining; The Elizabethan erasure of Scotland.
"This book will incite arguments, breed scholarship, beget articles and enrich our understanding of a period we thought we knew well. Its discussion of sixteenth-century uses of law, legend and literature to claim sovereignty over a nascent English-dominated British imperial state by snuffing out any claims to independence held by Scotland (and Ireland and Wales) – and all this with the purpose of expelling European influence – reminds us of where we are today. Lorna Hutson has not just laid the groundwork for the next generation of critics; she has set the bar high for future interdisciplinary work in this field." (The TLS)
Please join Professor Hutson and an expert panel for what promises to be a captivating and compelling Book at Lunchtime discussion.