Book at Lunchtime: From Tudor to Stuart

tudor to stuart book at lunchtime


Book at Lunchtime welcomes Professor Susan Doran (History, Jesus College) to discuss her recently published and highly acclaimed book "From Tudor to Stuart".

Please read this excellent review from the Financial Times (From Tudor to Stuart) to encourage you to book your place.

"This is Professor Doran's account of one of the most consequential regime changes in British history. It brought a Scottish king to England — where he became James I — and laid the foundations for the dream he cherished of a “perfect union” between the two countries. That dream would become reality a century later, under his great-granddaughter Queen Anne, with the Act of Union of 1707. In the meantime, James contented himself by systematising both the Scottish plantation of Ulster — which, Doran wryly notes, “has left a profound mark on the history of the island even until today” — and the colonisation of America. One of the delightful aspects of this book is the author’s flair for cultural history and literary readings alongside her mastery of the politics and economics of the period"

"From Tudor to Stuart will surely land on every student reading list, not only because of Doran’s pedigree, but because it manages to give us a new perspective on an overstudied period. Perhaps 1603 wasn’t the end of a glorious period. Everything changed, everything stayed the same".

Join Professor Doran and an expert panel to hear more and have the opportunity to ask questions about the book and one of the most interesting periods of English History.

Please note! This Book at Lunchtime is starting earlier so please join us for an early lunch on Wednesday 16 October from 11.15am with the discussion starting at 11.45am and finishing by 12.45pm

Book your place here.