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Brecht is an extraordinarily varied and accomplished poet whose poetry is far too little known in English. It is also frighteningly contemporary. The evening will feature famous theatre songs and less familiar 'high-art' songs, alongside poems excoriating the demagogues and capitalist powers-that-be, expressing sympathy for the victims of society and of politics, and celebrating the things that make a human life worth living. The event will be all in English.
David Constantine and Tom Kuhn have, for the first time, translated and edited the complete poems of Bertolt Brecht, the greatest German playwright of the 20th century, whose works include The Threepenny Opera, The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui, and Mother Courage. In this stunning live performance, David and Tom are joined by actor Janet Suzman, singer Sarah Gabriel and pianist Joseph Atkins, as they breathe life into the work of an artist whose unquenchable ‘love of life, the desire for better and more of it’ permeated all he wrote.

No tickets, but to reserve a place please send an email, with name(s), to the Writing Brecht Project (