Celebrating 500 Years of Pregnancy and Birth

A symposium, which is part of the Knowledge Exchange Partnership between The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, and the De Partu History of Childbirth Group. The Partnership aims to widen awareness of the heritage collections of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and of the Royal College of Midwives; to facilitate dialogue between academic researchers and healthcare practitioners on the history of pregnancy and birth; and to provide a forum for debates on current issues to be understood from an historical perspective.

All welcome, booking required, please click here for more information. The symposium costs £20 (to cover all refreshments, including lunch). More information is available on the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists website.



10.30 Arrival – library display on view (Coffee/tea)
10.50 Welcome addresses by Officer of RCOG, and by Director of Midwifery, RCM
11.15 Historical debates over positions for delivery: Professor Valerie Worth Stylianou (University of Oxford) and Dr Janette Allotey (University of Manchester)
12.00 Keynote talk + discussion: Mr David Hutchon (FRCOG), ‘The history of the practice of early cord-clamping’
12.50- 1.30 Lunch break – library display on view / tour of RCOG (Lunch)
1.30 group A
2.20 group B
1.30 group B
2.20 group A Workshop 1: Dr Julia Allison (University of Nottingham), ‘Material comforts of the birthing room in early modern England: archival records’
Workshop 2: Professor Billie Hunter (Professor of Midwifery, University of Cardiff), ‘ Material comforts of the birthing room in the 20thcentury: oral histories’
3.00 Concluding plenary: the role of knowledge exchange for the history of pregnancy and birth
3.30-4.00 Informal opportunity to visit library / tour of college (Coffee/Tea)

Celebrating 500 Years of Pregnancy and Birth

Contact name: Valerie Worth

Contact email: valerie.worth@trinity.ox.ac.uk

Audience: Open to all