Applications are invited from academic and research staff from all divisions for funding to support the development of their research career following significant disruption (by at least 50%) caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and their personal circumstances. Eligible disruptions include:
- a significant increase in childcare responsibilities including home-schooling
- a significant increase in caring responsibilities for an adult dependant
- prolonged illness or shielding (including issues affecting mental and physical health)
- impact of disability and lack of disability adaptions while working from home
- temporary return to full-time clinical duties
- dislocation and travel restrictions which led to stranding outside the UK at the start of the pandemic
- furlough (please note that this does not include those who are externally-funded where the funder has already agreed a mitigation)
Individuals should submit their application through IRAMS by noon on Friday 6 November 2020.
This scheme is funded by the John Fell Fund (JFF). To learn more, click here.