Artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques are becoming more widespread at a rapid rate, and their applications are increasingly diverse. For governments, AI represents a significant challenge – particularly to employment and labour participation rates, as automation threatens to displace some types of manual work. At the same time, AI offers unprecedented opportunities to improve governance and promote better policy outcomes. Used creatively and responsibly, disruptive technologies can enhance people’s lives and help governments to perform effectively. Manipulated or misunderstood, however, they can present a real threat to civil liberties and distort economic and social relations.
RAIL’s first annual conference will highlight some of the latest frontiers in artificial intelligence, addressing the intersections between artificial intelligence and society and bringing together some of the world’s leading experts on how to adapt to, regulate, and harness AI.
Panel 3 – AI x Creativity (in partnership with the TORCH Futures Thinking Network and the OII/OMI Creative Algorithmic Intelligence Project)
Algorithms can now generate original music, text and images – but are they really "creative"? What would this even mean? And what are the implications for the future of creative industries?
Anne Ploin is a project researcher on the Creative AI project, exploring human/AI collaborations and the automation potential of creative work.
Dr Paul Duckworth is a Principal Researcher in the Machine Learning Research Group at the University of Oxford and collaborates on the Creative AI project. He has recently been collaborating on a number of projects looking at how machine learning might influence the future of work.
Marie von Heyl is a Berlin based multi-media artist working on subject-object relations and the productive inadequacies of language.