Tuesday 31 October 2023, 12.30pm - 2pm
Colin Matthew Room, Radcliffe Humanities Building
All welcome. Tea and Coffee will be provided.
You are welcome to bring your own lunch.
Chris Thorogood, Deputy Director and head of Science at the Oxford Botanic Garden and Arboretum, will be talking about his forthcoming book, Pathless Forest.
Dr Chris Thorogood is a Plant scientist, author, botanical illustrator and broadcaster. He is also part of the Steering Group at the Environmental Humanities Research Hub, TORCH.
His research focuses on the evolution of parasitic and carnivorous plants, taxonomic diversity in biodiversity hotspots around the world, and biomimetics - exploring the potential applications of plants in technology. An author and broadcaster, he makes regular appearances on TV and radio and is also an award-winning botanical illustrator and wildlife artist. Obsessed with plants, he is on a mission to make us see them differently, and realize how we, they, and our planet, are all connected.
With any enquiries, please email envhums@torch.ox.ac.uk or fiona.stafford@some.ox.ac.uk.
Environmental Humanities, TORCH Research Hubs