Enlightenment Correspondences Seminar

enlightenment correspondences image

Three Network members (Jennifer Wood, Alexander Iosad, and Andrew Kahn) will be leading us in examining three eighteenth-century letters: William Godwin’s first courtship letter to Mary Wollstonecraft; a scientific letter from eighteenth-century Russia; and a literary letter by Nikolay Karamzin.  We will also be discussing plans for the Network’s activities in the next academic year.

All welcome!  RSVP as soon as possible to enlightenmentcorr@gmail.com, so that we can circulate the texts to all attendees and gain an accurate count for catering the (free!) lunch.


Enlightenment Correspondences

Contact name: Kelsey Rubin-Detlev
Contact email: kelsey.rubin-detlev@mod-langs.ox.ac.uk
Audience: Open to all