Exhibition Launch: Letters for Palestinian Childhoods


Exhibition Launch: Letters for Palestinian Childhoods

Thursday 11 July 2024, 2.30pm-4.30pm.

The Community Works, 21 Park End Street Oxford OX1 1HU

All Welcome


Letters for Palestinian Childhoods an online and in-person travelling exhibition of letters, poems, and artwork dedicated to the children of Palestine. The launch of the exhibition at the Community Works Oxford will include a talk by Dr Basma Hajir on “Unchilding, Scholasticide and Settler-Colonialism: Educational Reflections and Implications”. 


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Basma Hajir is a Palestinian scholar/ Lecturer at the University of Bristol. She holds a PhD in Education and International Development from the University of Cambridge and two master’s degrees in education from the University of Cambridge and the University of Birmingham. Grounded in decolonial thinking, her scholarly pursuits span areas in Education in Conflict settings and Emergencies, refugee education, and education for recovery and social justice. 



There will also be a talk by Caroline RaineCaroline Raine was one of the founding members of Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) branch more than 20 years ago and continues to serve as a branch officer. She has visited Palestine three times and each time witnessed the impact of the brutal occupation on its people. PSC is the biggest organisation in the UK and Europe dedicated to securing Palestinian human rights. It brings together people from all walks of life who work together for peace, equality, and justice and against racism, occupation, and colonisation. Caroline will also introduce the work of Nikki Marriot at the Oxford Ramallah Friendship Association.


Find out more about the 'Letters for Palestinian Childhoods' exhibition here.  


For questions, please email cysoxford@torch.ox.ac.uk.

Childhood and Youth Studies Network (CYS)TORCH Networks