Getting Closer

poster mfo gettingcloser 21 11 19

Landscape as a way of understanding socio-ecological changes in the African Anthropocene?

Landscapes are studied by a range of disciplines to understand past, present and future socio-ecological changes. Based on their experience and findings from the Resilience in East African Landscapes (REAL) project, researchers in several disciplines (Archeology, Anthropology and Palaeoecology) will discuss how landscapes give information on the African Anthropocene and its complex aspects from the local, to the regional and continental scales. The panel will outline some of the impacts of landscape histories and policies on landscape conservation and sustainable development.

Convenors: Rob Marchant, York, Nik Petek-Sargeant, ACIfA, Catherine Grasham, Oxford School of Geography and the Environment, Ellen Dyer, REACH
Benoit Hazard, CNRS/MFO