GLGW Conference 2019

GLGW Conference

*To register, please follow this link

Day 1: 19 June 2019 – Rothermere American Institute, University of Oxford

10.30-11.00: Registration and refreshments

11.00-12.20: Keynote 1 – Prof. Margaret Macmillan, University of Oxford

“Making Peace is Harder than Waging War—Georges Clemenceau”

Chair: Dr. Alice Kelly, Rothermere American Institute (Oxford)

12.20-13.10: Lunch


Panel 1 – First World War and Global Religions project

Chair: Revd Canon Professor Mark D. Chapman

Dr. Adrian Gregory, University of Oxford 

Dr. Patrick Houlihan, University of Oxford  

Dr. Hussein Omar, University of Oxford   

14.30-14.50: Refreshments

14.50-16.10: Panel 2 – Hunger Draws the Map project

Chair: TBC

Prof. Sir Hew Strachan, University of St. Andrews

Prof. Baroness Sophie de Schaepdrijver, Penn State university

Dr. Claire Morelon, University of Padova

Dr. Mary Cox, University of Oxford

Associates (TBC)


Keynote 2 – Dr. Adrian Gregory, University of Oxford

“The First World War as Millenarian Moment”

Chair: Dr. Jane Potter, Oxford Brookes University

18.00-18.45: Drinks reception – Maison Française d’Oxford

Day 2: 20 June 2019 – Rothermere American Institute, University of Oxford

09.15-11.10: Panel 3 – GLGW-affiliated postdocs, 2015-present

Chair: Prof. Santanu Das, University of Oxford       

Dr. Alice Kelly, Rothermere American Institute (Oxford)

Dr. Jonathan Krause, King’s College London

Dr. Suzan Meryem Kalayci, University of Oxford

Dr. Taline Garibian, Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine (Oxford)

11.10-11.30: Refreshments

11.30-12.45: Panel 4 – GLGW Graduate Students (2014 and prior cohorts)

Chair: TBC

Greg Hynes

Dr. Stefano Marcuzzi

Dr. Robin Adams, Queen’s University Belfast

12.45-13.45: Lunch

13.45-15.05: Keynote 3 – Prof. John Horne, Trinity College Dublin

Chair: TBC

15.05-16.10: Panel 5 – GLGW Graduate Students (2015 cohort)

Chair: TBC

Hanna Smyth

Jack Doyle

Mike Joseph

Adam Luptak

16.10-16.30: Refreshments

16.30-17.50: Panel 6 – GLGW Graduate Students (2016 and subsequent cohorts)

Chair: Hanna Smyth

Terry Cudbird

Ella St. George Carey

Kathryn White

Thomas Heyen-Dube

Chloe Nahum    

18.30-22.00: Dinner – St. Anthony’s College, University of Oxford

Day 3: 21 June – Rothermere American Institute, University of Oxford

09.15-10.55: Panel 7 – Collaborators

Chair: Dr. David Monger, University of Canterbury (NZ)

Prof. Santanu Das, University of Oxford

Prof. Iris Rachmaninov

Nina Régis

Dr. Jane Potter, Oxford Brookes University

Prof. Chris Snyder, Mississippi State University

10.55-11.15: Refreshments

11.15-12.00: Panel 8 – Roundtable

12.00-12.45: Lunch

12.45-14.00: Keynote 4 – Prof. Sir Hew Strachan, University of St. Andrews

“Peacemaking and civil-military relations 1918-1923"

Chair: TBC

14.15-18.00: Visit to GLGW mini-exhibition, ‘Oxford: The War and the World, 1914-1919’, at Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum (SOFO).

*To register, please follow this link

Supported by the Rothermere American Institute, the Oxford University Faculty of History and the Maison Française d'Oxford.