Tandem Collective and Fusion Arts are looking into the co-creation of a Green Arts Charter for Oxford and we would love you to be a part of it.
The Green Arts Charter Oxford will identify and catalyse actions by cultural organisations that promote excellent ethical and environmentally sustainable art production in and around Oxford.
The charter is designed to be a launchpad from which Oxford's cultural sector can:
Share good practice and solutions around sustainable art production.
Co-promote excellent quality art with a strong environmental 'backbone' and message.
Link up organisations wantng to work together to raise climate emergency awareness and co-ordinate environmental efforts.
Interested in finding out more and getting involved? Whether you are an individual practicioner or work within an organisation, come along and be part of this first stage of the charter's development.
Register your interest by emailing rosa@fusion-arts.org and you will be sent a Zoom link to access the event online.