Clone of Heidegger Reading Group


This student led reading group on Heidegger is part of the TORCH Oxford Phenomenology Network. It aims to facilitate at least two objectives. On the one hand, the weekly meetings provide graduate students and researchers, who have interpretative stakes in what the project of Heidegger is all about, with a platform for discussing their views in reference to critical primary sources. On the other hand, the group creates an opportunity for the interested newcomers to develop what will hopefully prove a fair impression of Heidegger’s canon. We warmly welcome readers from all fields – not just Philosophy. We are keen to create an interdisciplinary group of inquiring minds who are eager to grapple with Heidegger’s texts from whatever perspective intrigues them personally.

Our set reading are Basic Writings (ed. David Farell Krell). The anthology offers a representative sample of seminal works by Martin Heidegger, starting with the Introduction to Being and Time, and leading through the essays such as “On the Essence of Truth” and “The Origin of the Work of Art” all the way up to “The End of Philosophy and the Task of Thinking.” A few of the texts compiled in the volume induced an involved response from philosophical posterity, and so, on top of giving us a survey of the twists and turns that mark Heidegger’s trajectory, they help to situate not a small amount of what has been happening in philosophy of the twentieth century - especially, though not exclusively, in its so-called continental quarters.

Having finished reading the Introduction to Being and Time and “What is Metaphysics” in the Hilary Term, we are now looking forward to a reasonably close study of “On the Essence of Truth” and “The Origin of the Work of Art” in the course of Trinity. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at


Oxford Phenomenology Network

Contact name: Maciej Czerkawski

Contact email:

Audience: Open to all