How does temporal experience shape our sense of the world and of the self? How do unconscious, pre-reflective and conscious disruptions of temporality affect perceptions and agency of people suffering from mental illness? This one-day workshop examines the theme of lived time and lived body in mental disorders from a broadly construed phenomenological perspective. The workshop is a concluding event of the seminar on “Psychopathology of time and body”, which brought together philosophers and mental health practitioners working in the tradition of existential phenomenology.
9.30-10.30 Richard Gipps (University Oxford) "Hallucination as uncancelled anticipation"
10.30-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-12.00 Marcin Moskalewicz (University of Oxford) "Self-awareness, schizophrenia and the problem of time"
12.00-13.00 Elizabeth Barry (University of Warwick) "Expectation and surprise: the temporality of dementia"
13.00-14.30 Lunch
14.30-15.30 Daniel Tkatch (University of Louven) “Corporeal symbolism in neuroses”
15.30-16.30 Ryan Kemp (London) “Out if it”: addiction as a peculiar form of alienation”
Attendance is free but please register by 9 June by following this link.
For further info please contact Marcin Moskalewicz ( and Richard Gipps ( ).
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 659205
Oxford Phenomenology Network