Radical Reasoning | Neurodiversity & Race in HE

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Race and Resistance | Radical Reasoning | Neurodiversity & Race in HE

Friday 17 May 2024, 1.30pm - 2.30pm

2nd floor Lecture Room, Radcliffe Humanities



Join us for our discussion group, Radical Reasoning. This week, we will be reviewing and analysing works surrounding neurodiversity, race, and the intersectionality of both, within UKHE as a neoliberal sector. This will lead to group discussions around accessibility, pedagogy, and inclusivity.


We ask attendees to consider the main readings. Anyone who wishes to expand upon their understanding is welcome to consider the further readings provided. Regardless of the extent to which you engage with these chosen readings, we welcome anyone who is interested to attend the discussion group.


Main Readings

  1. Chantelle Jessica Lewis and Jason Arday, ‘We’ll see things they’ll never see: Sociological reflections on race, neurodiversity, and higher education’, The Sociological Review 71:6 (November 2023), pp. 1299 - 1321.
  2. Lorna G. Hamilton & Stephanie Petty, ‘Compassionate pedagogy for neurodiversity in higher education: a conceptual analysis’, Frontiers in Psychology 14:1093290 (February 2023), pp. 1 - 9.
  3. Katherine Runswick-Cole, “Us’ and ‘them’: the limits and possibilities of a ‘politics of ‘neurodiversity’ in neoliberal times’, Disability & Society 29:7 (2014), pp. 1117 - 1129.


Further Readings

  1. Surviving Society, ‘E121: The Surviving Alternative to Woman’s House: Vivienne Isebor’, April 2021, 52 min 14 sec, podcast. (Spotify. Apple Podcasts. Soundcloud.)
  2. A. Mobeen, E. Mugaju, J. Arday, ‘At 18, I could not read, now I’m a Cambridge professor’ March 2023, BBC radio broadcast. (BBC Outlook)


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Part of the Race and Resistance Research Hub events.