Texts and contexts: the cultural legacies of Ada Lovelace

ada lovelace

'Texts and Contexts: the Cultural Legacies of Ada Lovelace’, an interdisciplinary workshop for graduates and early-career researchers. The workshop, taking place on Tuesday 8 December, at 10am  and will include papers on a wide variety of Lovelace-related topics, from Lovelace and Literature, to Lovelace and Lego.

Registration here. Registration closes on midnight on Sunday 29 November.

More details and abstracts here: adalovelaceworkshop.wordpress.com

The day will bring together postgraduates, early career researchers, and anyone with an interest in Ada Lovelace, to discuss the cultural influences of Lovelace’s work from the 19th century to the present day.

Our keynote address will be delivered by Professor Sharon Ruston (Lancaster University), who will later be joined in a roundtable discussion by Professor Richard Holmes and Sydney Padua. We also look

forward to hearing papers on a wide variety of topics, from teaching and curating Lovelace in the 21st century, to Lovelace’s influence in the humanities.


The timings for the day are as follows:

9.30-10am Arrivals

10-10.15am Opening remarks

10.15-11.15am Panel 1: Artistic Legacies

Imogen Forbes-Macphail, ‘A sentimental mathematical correspondence: Ada Lovelace’s writing’

Anne Loveridge, ‘”Unweave a rainbow”: Ada Lovelace and the poetic mystery of science

Olivia Reilly, ‘”Poetical philosophy, poetical science”: Ada Lovelace, music, and (inter)disciplinary entanglement

11.15-11.30am Coffee

11.30am-12.30pm Panel 2: Computing

Melissa Highton, ‘Wikipedia and the “trouble with girls”: edit in the name of Lovelace

Carlo Ierna, ‘Lovelace and Descartes on the limits and possibilities of thinking machines

Jane Waite, ‘Mrs Lovelace teaches year 2 computing

12.30-1.30pm Lunch

1.30-2.30pm Keynote address by Professor Sharon Ruston

2.30-3.30pm Panel 3: Ada’s Brains

Madelaine Schurch, ‘Ada Lovelace, mania, and visionary scientific imagination

Lesley Gray, ‘Magnets and mesmerism: Ada Lovelace at the cusp of reason and romance

Rebecca Barnes, ‘Serious play with Babbage and Lovelace: Lovelace’s role in shaping Babbage’s heuristic turn of mind

3.30-3.45pm Coffee

3.45-4.45pm Panel 4: Public Engagement

Stewart Cromar, ‘LEGO Lovelace: building a modern icon

Katherine Platt, ‘Lovelace at the Science Museum

Georgina Ferry, ‘”If my wave can…follow & touch yours…”: Broadcasting the letters of Ada Lovelace

4.45-5.45pm Roundtable discussion with Professor Sharon Ruston, Professor Richard Holmes, and Sydney Padua

5.45-6pm Closing remarks


Abstracts for papers can be found on our website at adalovelaceworkshop.wordpress.com.

Contact us with any questions at adalovelaceworkshop@ell.ox.ac.uk.

Anyone with an interest in Lovelace is welcome to attend. Registration, at a cost of £10, can be found at http://www.oxforduniversitystores.co.uk/browse/extra_info.asp?compid=1&m.... Registration closes on midnight on Sunday 29 November.


Ada Lovelace

Audience: Open to all