The ethnoGRAPHIC Book Club

book club comics 2023 ht

Thursday 2 February (Week 3) - Registration required 

Register via Eventbrite or contact


The ethnoGRAPHIC Book Club combines a love of graphic novels with that of ethnographic practice.

Reading one book per term, the club gathers for relaxed conversation, tea/coffee and snacks, and a communal appreciation for the work of renowned artists, anthropologists, journalists, historians, memoirists and more. Termly books are selected based on the theme of the Oxford Comics Network’s June 2023 conference ‘Comics and/as Resistance’ and will bridge the converging worlds of comics, graphic works, and the social sciences.

All are welcome to join as we hope to inspire interdisciplinary discussion and to build a lively and collaborative community.

The book club meets in Hilary Term 2023 in Weeks 3 and 7 (17:00-18:00) in the Emden 2 Room at St Edmund Hall. This term we will be reading Art Spiegelman's Maus. Whether reading for the first time or rereading this classic, please join us for some relaxed conversation, tea, and biscuits!

Enquiries should be directed to

Oxford Comics Network