Voices of Resistance: Building Memory through the Struggles of the Collectives of the Families of Disappeared Persons in Guanajuato, Mexico.

donde estan where are they

Image credit: Reuters México


Voices of Resistance: Building Memory through the Struggles of the Collectives of the Families of Disappeared Persons in Guanajuato, Mexico. 

Voces de la resistencia: construyendo memoria a través de las luchas de los colectivos de familiares de Personas Desaparecidas en Guanajuato, México.

Friday 7 June 2024, 3pm - 4.30pm

Online -  Register via Eventbrite.

Online registration closes 15 minutes before the start of the event. You will be sent the joining link within 48 hours of the event, on the day and once again 10 minutes before the event starts.


This session examines the crisis of disappearances in Guanajuato, a state located in central Mexico, where over 4,000 people are missing, within a national context that records more than 115,000 disappearances. "Voices of Resistance" challenges the disciplinary boundaries of gender studies and human rights by exploring how militarisation and current security policies perpetuate legacies of violence and disappearance. This seminar questions how gender dynamics and the women-led struggle within family collectives challenge these policies and construct a memory that counters the stigmatisation and criminalisation of official narratives against the disappeared and their families through seven testimonies of women human rights defenders, who are also founders and/or spokespersons of these movements. It proposes an epistemic shift to understand disappearances not merely as individual crises, but as manifestations of historical and systemic injustices, reflecting global dynamics of discrimination and abuse of power. The experience of Guanajuato and Mexico, marked by violence and the organised response of collectives, serves as a critical site to re-evaluate the broader impacts of security policies on Latin American territories and other communities with similar contexts.


Esta sesión examina la crisis de desapariciones en Guanajuato, un estado ubicado en el centro de México, donde hay más de 4,000 personas desaparecidas, en un contexto nacional preocupante que registra más de 115,000 desapariciones. "Voces de la Resistencia" desafía los límites disciplinarios de los estudios de género y derechos humanos al explorar cómo la militarización y las políticas de seguridad actuales perpetúan legados de violencia y desaparición. Este seminario cuestiona cómo las dinámicas de género y la lucha liderada por mujeres dentro de colectivos familiares desafían estas políticas y construyen una memoria que contrarresta la estigmatización y criminalización de las narrativas oficiales contra las personas desaparecidas y sus familias a través de siete testimonios de mujeres defensoras de derechos humanos, que son a su vez fundadoras y/o voceras de dichos movimientos. Propone un cambio epistémico para comprender las desapariciones no solo como crisis individuales, sino como manifestaciones de injusticias históricas y sistémicas, reflejando dinámicas globales de discriminación y abuso de poder. La experiencia de Guanajuato y México, marcada por la violencia y la respuesta organizada de los colectivos, sirve como un sitio crítico para reevaluar los impactos más amplios de las políticas de seguridad en territorios latinoamericanos y otras comunidades con contextos similares.


Moderator / Moderadora:

Cinthya Cecilia Alvarado Rivera


Translators Spanish-English-Spanish:

Sofia Sanabria de Felipe 

Verónica Mondragón Paredes 



ma alejandra diaz castro colectivo buscadoras guanajuato member of the collective searchers guanajuato and human rights defender

Ma Alejandra Díaz Castro, Colectivo Buscadoras Guanajuato (Member of the Collective Searchers Guanajuato and Human Rights Defender).

colectivo buscadoras guanajuato searchers guanajuato collective


evelina castaneda guzman colectivo justicia y esperanza representative of the collective justice and hope and human rights defender

Evelina Castañeda Guzmán, Colectivo Justicia y Esperanza (Representative of the Collective Justice and Hope and Human Rights Defender). 


colectivo justicia y esperanza justice and hope collective




paula virginia rojas nieto colectivo buscando con el corazon representative of the collective searching with the heart and human rights defender

Paula Virginia Rojas Nieto, Colectivo Buscando con el Corazón (Representative of the Collective Searching with the Heart and Human Rights Defender). 



colectivo buscando con el corazon searching with the heart collective




norma patricia barron nunez fundadora del colectivo una luz en mi camino founder of a light on my path collective and human rights defender

Norma Patricia Barrón Núñez, fundadora del Colectivo Una Luz en mi Camino (Founder of the Collective A Light on my Path and Human Rights Defender). 

colectivo una luz en mi camino a light on my path collective
maria guadalupe tafoya hernandez representante del colectivo a tu encuentro representative of the collective to encounter you and human rights defender

María Guadalupe Tafoya Hernández, representante del Colectivo A tu Encuentro (Representative of the Collective To Encounter You and Human Rights Defender).



colectivo a tu encuentro to encounter you collective




alma liliana tapia colectivo salamanca unidos buscando desaparecidos founder of the collective salamanca united searching for the disappeared and human rights defender

Alma Liliana Tapia, Colectivo Salamanca Unidos Buscando Desaparecidos (Founder of the Collective Salamanca United Searching for the Disappeared and Human Rights Defender). 

colectivo salamanca unidos buscando desaparecidos salamanca united searching for the disappeared collective


bibiana mendoza colectivo hasta encontrarte representative of the collective until we find you and human rights defender

Bibiana Mendoza, Colectivo Hasta Encontrarte (Representative of the Collective Until We Find You and Human Rights Defender). 

colectivo hasta encontrarte collective until we find you collective

Intersectional HumanitiesResearch Hubs