Race and Resistance | Postgraduate Students Thesis Panel
Friday 1 March 2024, 1pm - 2pm
Radcliffe Humanities Building
All welcome
Join us for our second thesis panel of the year, and this week we are showcasing the work of some amazing postgraduate students. This session is an opportunity to hear about new and developing research from emerging students here at Oxford. Our speakers on this panel will be: Stephanie Ormond (Pembroke), Zaiba Patel (Worcester), and Holly Cooper (Harris Manchester)
How should we perceive the female rebel(e) identity of enslaved Caribbean women in Jamaica and Barbados, c.1760-1816?
Stephanie Ormond (she/her) is reading MSt in Global and Imperial History. Steph has recently graduated with a BA (Hons) History degree at the University of Durham, with her dissertation entitled ‘Type the Power: The Rise of the Black British Press from the Nottingham Race Riot to the Mangrove Nine Trial, c.1958-1971’. She is a Laidlaw Foundation Scholar, and has been consistently active in student media and academic journals (you can find her Journo profile here).
Decolonising pedagogies and methodologies in English history education
Zaiba Patel (she/her) is a second-year DPhil Education student. Her research explores what decolonisation and antiracism might mean in a UK school history context. Her project is funded by the research group, 'A portrait of the teaching of Empire, Migration and Belonging in English secondary schools'. Prior to her DPhil, she was a secondary school teacher for four years. Zaiba has also co-authored a textbook on the British Empire for secondary school students, contributed to the Historical Association's quarterly publication, Teaching History, and worked as an education consultant teaching teachers and young people about the histories of the Middle East, Central Asia, and the Partition of the Indian subcontinent.
The Black and Minority Ethnic Experience of Teacher Education: An examination of student/mentor relationships in the training environment
Rachel Robinson is a second year doctoral student at Oxford and her research focuses on exploring the experiences of Black and Minority Ethnic trainee teachers and their relationships with their mentors and learning environment, through emphasising the importance of empathy and care, with a view to better supporting their progress through teacher education and beyond. Rachel completed a PGCE in secondary science and an MSc in Teacher Education at the University of Oxford and taught physics for seven years in local Oxfordshire secondary schools, becoming a mentor to trainee science teachers and Head of Physics. She also teaches the second year Physics undergraduate course “Teaching Physics in Schools” and has an MA in Photography.
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Part of the Race and Resistance Research Hub events.