Identity and Narratives of AI

In the final episode of Speculation & Percolation, fittingly filmed during this network’s inaugural conference in October 2019 at Wolfson College, Kanta Dihal shares her work on Global AI narratives and her appreciation for the small hope offered by Wall:E.


Kanta Dihal is the Postdoctoral Research Associate on the AI Narratives project. She is one of the Project Leads on Global AI Narratives and the Project Development Lead on Decolonizing AI. In her research, she explores how fictional and nonfictional stories shape the development and public understanding of artificial intelligence. Kanta's work intersects the fields of science communication, literature and science, and science fiction. She obtained her DPhil in science communication at the University of Oxford: in her thesis, titled 'The Stories of Quantum Physics,' she investigated the communication of conflicting interpretations of quantum physics to adults and children. She is co-editor of the forthcoming collection AI Narratives: A History of Imaginative Thinking About Intelligent Machines (Oxford University Press, 2020) and is currently working with Dr Stephen Cave on the monograph AI: A Mythology.