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Giving to TORCH
Humanities Division
University of Oxford
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Who We Are
What's On
Research Hubs
Student Networks
Affiliated Projects
Public Engagement with Research
Knowledge Exchange
Researcher Training
Funding Opportunities
Engagement Opportunities
Call for Papers
Past Opportunities
"Vehicles” Children’s Opera
Divination, Oracles, and Omens Network
Divination, Oracles, and Omens Network
Javett-UP Bridge Fellowship
Labour Network
Neurodiversity Network
Rent Cultures Network
Poetry in the Medieval World
'Ubharte Rehnuma': Muslim family law in India
2021-22 | Shaping Destiny
2022-23 | Dialogues in Mystical Culture: Mysticism in Action in Modern Western Society
2022-23 | Russian Song at Wigmore Hall
3D modelling with camera phones
3D Modelling with Smartphones, Interior Spaces
A comparative Perspective on the Languages of the Veneto
Ada Lovelace
Affections and Ethics
AfOx - TORCH Visiting Fellowships
African Languages, Literatures and Cultures Network
Ageing and creativity
AHRC Cultural Engagement Fellowship Projects 2016
AI Ethics
All the World's A Page
Alliance: Humanities & Existential Risk
Amplifying Inclusion
Ancient Anatolia Network
Ancient dance in modern dancers
Ancient Music and Theology
Ancient Music and Theology Network
Antonio Tomas - Decolonising African Urbanities
Archival Post
Armenian Genocide Research
Art and Action
Art, Biodiversity, and Climate
Artists to Fill the Gap: Commemorating Walter Rathenau in a Jewish Country House
Ashmolean Project Portal
BAME Medea
Beethoven 2020
Being Human
Being Human
Berlin through the Eyes of British Writers
Big Tent
Book at Lunchtime
Books Unbound
Brexit Wake at Literaturhaus, Berlin
Britain and the Soviet Union
Broadening Understanding of how US Constitutions are Written
Business Engagement
Call for Papers
Caribbean Studies Network
Carolin Overhoff Ferreira - Cinema in the Lusophone World
Celebrating 500 Years of Pregnancy and Birth
Celebrity Research
CELL: Exploring new theatre visions of Julian of Norwich
Changing Lives
Chaucer Here and Now
Childhood Adversity and Lifetime Resilience
Childhood and Youth Studies Network
China's Cultural Heritage
Churches Conservation Trust
Climate Crisis Thinking
Colonial Ports and Global History (CPAGH)
Comparative Criticism and Translation
Compassion in Healthcare
Connecting Researchers with Theatres
Conserving the Nabataean Temple at Khirbet et-Tannur
Constructing Scientific Communities
Creative Cities
Creative Industries
Creative Multilingualism
Creative Story Exchange
Crisis, Extremes and Apocalypse
Critical Indigenous Studies Network
Critical Thinking Communities (FOR SORTING ONLY)
Critical Visualization
Cult of Saints
Culture and Experience in the age of the German Reformation
Cultures and Commemorations of War
Czechoslovak Studies Group
Dance as Grace: Paradoxes and Possibilities
Dance Scholarship Oxford
Decolonising Research Interest Group
Demons Land: A poem come true
Dialogues in Mystical Culture: Mysticism in Action in Modern Western Society
Digital Humanities
Digital Humanities and Sensory Heritage
Diplomacy in Early Modern period 1400-1800
Diseases of Modern Life
Disruptive Dialogues: The Legacy of Dambudzo Marechera in Harare and Oxford
Diversifying Portraiture
Diversifying the Curriculum
Diversity and the British String Quartet new
Divided Cities: Culture, Infrastructure and the Urban Future
Doctoral Workshop on 20th Century European History
Dyslexia at Oxford new
Early Career
Early Medieval Britain and Ireland
Early modern Catholicism
Early mother tongue literacy for sustainable development in sub-saharan Africa
Earth, Sea, Sky: an Environmental Humanities Research Network
Eating Disorders and Real-Life Reading
Ed Gaughan: Words and Music (aka Gorilla Tactics)
Eloquent Things
Embodiment and Materiality
Empires of Faith
encoding heritage
Engagement Opportunities
English Tunebooks of the Eighteenth Century
Enlightenment Correspondences
Environmental Humanities
EPOCH at the Old Fire Station
Ethics of State-based Strategies for Reducing Meat Consumption
Exploring Sicilian Epigraphy in Sicilian Museums with Sicilian Schools
Exploring the Public Legitimacy of the Church of England
Fiction and Human Rights
Finding Our Way
Forgotten Christianities
Fostering a Shared Unerstanding of Educational Success for Children in Care
France-UK-Germany migration research partnership
Funding Opportunities
Funding Opportunity DO NOT USE
Futures Thinking Network
Gaps Between Installation – Oxford City
Gender and Authority
Global brazil
Globalising and localising the Great war
Graduate Opportunities
HIV/AIDS in Greece: A political archive
Human X: portraying mental health amongst stateless forced migrants
Humanities & Identities
Humanities & Performance
Humanities & Science
Humanities & the Digital Age
Humanities & the Public Good
Humanities and Healthcare
Humanities Cultural Programme
IF Oxford
Images and Thoughts
Imed Ben Jerbania - Punic Archaeology
Indigenous Studies
Inexpressibility and Reflection in the Formal Sciences
inHabit: Text, Object and Domestic Space
Inheritance and Cooperation
Interdisciplinary Futures (FOR SORTING ONLY)
International Engagement
International Fellowships
International Partnership Scheme
Intersectional Humanities
Istro-Romanians: Linguistic Heritage in Online Conversations
Jagiellonians: Dynasty, Memory and Identity in Central Europe
Jewish Country House in Europe
Journeys to Oxford
KE events
Knowledge Exchange
Labelling Matters
Language Education Research and the Department for Education
Learning Pragmatics through Chatbot: the case of Korean
Lexicon of Greek Personal Names
Life itself in Theory and Practice
Linguistic fieldwork and collective memory
Literature & Science
Literature & Silence
Making heritage accessible: the Duke of Chandos and Canons Park
Mapping English 'National Music' of the Eighteenth Century
Marie Antoinette. A Life in Objects
Mediating Modern Poetry
Medical Humanities
Medieval and Early Modern Mysticism
Metaphysics of Entanglement
Migration and mobility
Mithraic Groves and Gothic Towers: Reuniting the Lost Literary Legacies of Wrest and Wimpole
Moving together: Alleviating loneliness through an interdisciplinary music- and dance-based intervention programme
Multi-media arts and performance in the (long) Weimar Republic
Museum of Revelatory Fakes (MoRF)
Music and Late Medieval European Cultures
Music Egypt (Performance)
Music Egypt Project
My Name is Laura Kieler: The True Story of Ibsen's A Doll's House
My Name is Laura Kieler: The True Story of Ibsen's A Doll's House
National Trust partnership
Negotiated texts
Networks and Hubs
New Critical Approaches to the Byzantine World
New Liberia and other Projects
Nordic network
Old Frisian Summer School
Our Narratives: The Education of Refugee Young People
Out of the archive onto the stage: the Soviet avant-garde and its reception in Britain
Oxford and Caribbeanity Now
Oxford and Empire
Oxford Castle at 950 years
Oxford Comics Network
Oxford Critical Theory network
Oxford Design Society
Oxford Images of World War One
The Oxford Song Network: Poetry and Performance
TORCH Global South Visiting Professors and Fellows
Theatres Seed Fund June 2019
Theatre production and performance
Theatre and Performance
The White Rose Project
The Religious Identity of Maharajah Duleep Singh
The Rameau Project
The Psychic Life of the Poor
The Oxford-Venice Initiative: Collaborations with the Fondazione Giorgio Cini
The Oxford Sound Album
The Oxford Psalms Network
The Oxford Festival of the Arts
The Oxford Disability Law and Policy Project
The Oxford Character Project: The Arts of Leading
The Oxford Centre for Life-Writing, OCLW
The Open String Cello
The Mental and Material Laboratories of 13th Century Science
The long history of identity, ethnicity and nationhood
The Jewish Country House
The Indian Army in the First World War: An Oxfordshire Perspective
The Global Pursuit of Equality: Women, Networks and Networking 1800-2000
The Folio of the Future
TORCH Goes Digital
TORCH Networks
The Cult of National Literary Genius in European Cultures
War crimes, trials and investigations
Visual Research
Violence Studies Oxford
Vesuvius 22
Urban Rhythms Network
Unsilencing the Library: An exhibition at Compton Verney
Unlocking Late Schumann
Universal Access Remote Health Monitoring
Understanding Visitor Engagement of Free Heritage Sites
Understanding Postgraduate Medical Ethics Education
Uncovering Histories of Childhood Within the National Trust
Unconscious Memory
UK China Humanities Alliance
Trusted Source
Trauma, Resilience and Motherhood
Transforming the Operatic Voice
The Dream of Gerontius: Curating Catholic Music Digitally
The Brutish Museums
Oxford Medieval Studies
Planned Violence
Race and Resistance
Queer Studies Network
Queer Intersections
Public Engagement
Princeton University Press Lecture Series 2019
Prince George of Denmark and his Admirals (1702-08)
Power Structuralism
Postcolonial Writers Make Worlds
Post-War: Commemoration, Reconstruction, Reconciliation
Policy Engagement
Planned Violence
Reading the Room: Accessing books in heritage spaces
Photography as participatory politics
Phenomenology and Nursing: International Workshops
Pharmacy as a Laboratory of Modernity
PastNet network
Oxford-Yale Workshop on Exemplarity
Oxford-Princeton-Vienna-Berlin-Mainz Graduate Exchange
Oxford-Madrid-Helsinki Workshop on Textual Criticism
Oxford-Berlin-Padua Research Network
Oxford-Berlin Research Partnership
Oxford Pilgrimage Studies Network
Oxford Phenomenology Network
Rags to Riches: experiences of social Mobility since 1800
Real Oxford: Valuing the Everyday
The Alternative Queen's Speech
Scoring the City
Thames Valley Country House Partnership
Telling’s: Reconstructing The Repertoire of Songs used in English Lace Schools
Supporting Spelling
Stuart Hall
Storming Utopia
Staging the Restoration Spectacular
Staging Nahum Tate’s King Lear
Sleep and the Rhythms of Life
Silence Hub
Shaping Destiny
Recovering Spectacular Theatre of the Eighteenth Century
Said Business School Engaging with the Humanities
Romanticism and Eighteenth Century studies Oxford
Rethinking the Contemporary: The world since the cold war
Resisting Silence: Revealing Everyday Lives of Plantations through Material, Oral, and Archival histories
Researcher Training
Reproductive ethics in the Mexican context
Renaissance Conservations
Reimagining Performance
Refugee Heritage: the Archaeology of Calais ‘Jungle’
Reformulating Islamic family laws in India and Europe
Recreating the Music of an Ancient Greek Chorus: Euripides’ Orestes
Whose Paradise: The Highways of Jerusalem
Woman's Suffrage 2018
Women and War: Female Activism during the English Civil War
Women in the Humanities
Women's Suffrage and Colonialism
Words as Weapons
Writing Brecht
Writing Technologies
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