The Society for Oxford Medieval Studies is seeking an Oxford medievalist postgraduate or postdoc for the role of Executive Assistant, from January 2019, at a rate of £1200 per annum. Candidates will be able to fill the role for at least the whole of 2019 and ideally beyond.
The fixed responsibilities of the Executive Assistant will be as follows:
Once a week (in Term and otherwise when in Oxford): to scan all incoming mail that has arrived at the Society office and perform other light administrative tasks; to forward any books received for review to the Medium Ævum editors, at St. Edmund
Hall; to bank any cheques that are occasionally received.
Twice a year: to forward c. 60 hard copies of the latest Medium Ævum issue to Oxford University mailing addresses. Printed address-labels and envelopes will be supplied.
The Executive Assistant will also act as liaison between the Society and the Committee of the Oxford Medieval Graduate Conference (OMGC).
These duties should take no more than 80 hours a year to fulfil. There will additionally be further paid opportunities for involvement in the Society’s work, in the areas of administration, publishing, conferences, and Digital Humanities.
Please apply by emailing Stephen Pink, the Executive Officer, at by 15 December 2018, including a brief CV with details of your current status.
Oxford Medieval Studies