Gender and Authority

This network was funded from March 2016 to March 2018.
The Gender and Authority project, jointly supported by TORCH and the Balliol Interdisciplinary Institute, aimed to explore and question received notions of social and cultural authority, specifically as they intersect with issues of gender. Provoked initially by the idea of the canon, ‘the list of works considered to be permanently established as being of the highest quality’ (OED), we aimed to consider three points: how do social and gender norms determine ‘quality’? How permanent is authority? What is ‘work’? We proposed an expansive definition of work that includes all forms of cultural production, individual or collaborative. We also sought to examine spaces in which gender, as it intersects with other vectors of power, has led to the marginalisation of intellectual and artistic creation or labour.
This interdisciplinary project was founded in 2016, with seminars on a bi-termly basis featuring presentations of research in progress from scholars from Humanities and Social Sciences and from both within and outside the University of Oxford.
We also hosted a series of podcast produced by our Podcast Co-ordinator Kira Allmann, which can be accessed through the University Podcast site, on SoundCloud. and our blog.
The Network was also supported by Buongiorno e Buonasera.
Twitter: @womencanonox
Serena Alessi
Kira Allmann
Adele Bardazzi
Alberica Bazzoni
David Bowe
Alexis Brown
Deborah Cameron
Charlotte Cooper
Marzia D'Amico
Rachel Delman
Natalya Din-Kariuki
Amy Donovan Blondell
Vittoria Fallanca
Annika Forkert
Jessica Goodman
Kristin Grogan
Donna Harris
Julia Caterina Hartley
Matt Hurley
Dr Maria Jaschok
Geraldine Johnson
Mara Keire
Yasmin Khan
Khin Mar Mar Kyi
Elizabeth Eva Leach
Iris Lo
Alison Moulds
Lucy Rayfield
Sahba Shayani
Richard David Williams