Overall we had about 30 people attending - both academics (ranging from undergraduates to established lecturers) and outside the academe, from several UK institutions (Manchester, York, Warwick Unis, QMUL, Warburg Institute, and obviously Oxford), representing such disciplines as History, Theology, English, Modern Languages, and Art History. The event was absolutely free to attend. There were three disabled delegates, two of who were presenters. The papers ranged chronologically and geographically from the ancient Middle East to Early Modern Europe, and from Scandinavia to Korea. It has been decided that a larger conference on a similar subject will take place 5-6 July 2019 at the history Faculty, Oxford. There will also be a number of papers (one or two per term) read within the auspices of the network in 2018/19 academic year.
Organiser: Juliana.dresvina@history.ox.ac.uk

Juliana Dresvina
Oxford Medieval Studies