TT 2016 Week 5 Updates
We hope that you’ve been booking your tickets for Oxford Translation Day – we’ve got some really great events happening! Take a look for yourself: . A general discussion meeting to look over OCCT's activities and make plans for next year has been scheduled for 2 June 2016. It will take place in Seminar Room 6 of St Anne's College from 13:00-14:30. A sandwich lunch will be provided. Feel free to come if there’s something you’d like to contribute! Please note that the event, co-hosted with Race and Resistance, that was originally scheduled for 1 June has been moved to 7 June. This event will be a panel discussion and film screening – details to be released soon!
In Week 5 the third meeting of this term’s OCCT Discussion Group on Multilingualism took place at St Anne's College. Summaries of the meetings can be found here:
Events and Call for Papers
1) Booking now open
University of London School of Advanced Study
Friday, 1 July 2016
Nostalgia and Popular Culture in Post-Authoritarian States
Workshop at the Institute of Modern Languages Research, London
09.30 Registration and Coffee
09.45 Duncan Wheeler (University of Leeds): Introduction
10.00 Panel 1 (Chair: Deborah Madden, University of Sheffield):
Maite Usoz de la Fuente (University of Leicester): The Case of Marta Sanz’s Daniela Astor y la Caja Negra (2013)
Concepción Cascajosa Virino and Rubén Romero Santos (Carlos III University, Madrid): What ‘Movida’ Anyway? The Nostalgic Days of the Future Past in El Ministerio del Tiempo (TVE: 2015-)
Patricia Trapero Llobera (University of the Balearic Islands, Spain): (Re)framing the Past: Emotional Tone, National Identity, and Community-Building History in Contemporary Spanish Television Fiction (regarding Cuéntame cómo pasó, El Caso, and El Ministerio del Tiempo)
11.30 Coffee
11.45 Panel 2 (Chair: Duncan Wheeler, University of Leeds)
Sylva Švejdarová (Charles University in Prague/Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague): The Czech Public Discourse on the Alexandrov Choir Performances in 2015
Nicola Guy: Clubs and Contemporary Art
Irena Šentevska: Remembering 1980 in the Turkish TV Series Seksenler
13.15 Closing Remarks and Future Plans (Duncan Wheeler)
This event is organised jointly with the University of Leeds
All welcome to attend. Registration fees: £20 (standard rate), £10 (students)
Advance registration required by 22 June 2016
2) Martin Miller and Hannah Norbert-Miller Scholarship (Fees and Stipend) for Doctoral Study at the IMLR, London
Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates who wish to focus their research on German-speaking exile, preferably in the UK. Topics may include literature, politics, history, sociology, migration, or the arts. Applications for research based on the archival holdings of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies at the IMLR (e.g. the papers of the Anglo-Austrian Society or those of the writer and broadcaster Robert Lucas) would be particularly welcome. A working knowledge of German would be advantageous.
The award, which is funded by the Martin Miller and Hannah Norbert-Miller Trust, provides the successful applicant with a fee waiver equivalent to up to 100% of the full-time or part-time Home/EU tuition fee, and is tenable for three years (full-time) or five years (part-time), beginning in October 2016, plus maintenance of £15,000 (full-time) or £7,500 (part-time). The successful candidate, who will be expected to register at the Institute of Modern Languages Research (University of London) for the MPhil/PhD degree of the University of London, will be able to draw on the expertise of the Institute’s Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies.
Applicants, who would normally have an MA degree or equivalent, should apply by 5 pm on 30 June. Applications should be made on the School of Advanced Study application form (please note earlier submission date) and copied to Interviews are expected to be held in week beginning 18 July 2016.
For further information on the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies, please see
For details on the extensive holdings of the Germanic Studies Collection and Archives, please see
3) The Department of Comparative Literature and Culture within the School of Languages, Linguistics and Film at QMUL intends to appoint a Lecturer in Comparative Literature.
The appointment may be made in any area of Comparative Literature, but the candidate should be able to demonstrate a good knowledge cultural theory and literary theory, and have experience of teaching in these fields. The successful candidate should be able to take up his or her appointment from 1st September 2016, or as soon as possible thereafter. Salary will be in the range of £39,745 - £41,969 per annum, inclusive of London Allowance. Benefits include 30 days annual leave, a defined benefit pension scheme and interest-free season ticket loan.
Candidates must be able to demonstrate their eligibility to work in the UK in accordance with the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006. Where required this may include entry clearance or continued leave to remain under the Points Based Immigration Scheme.
Details about the School can be found at
Further details about the post, and application information can be found at:
Completed applications, including a CV and covering statement should be submitted by 19th June 2016.
Interviews will be held in July 2016.
4) Call for Papers: Unsettling Communities: Minor, Minority and Small Literatures in Europe
Following on from a successful cross-language and cross-culture symposium held in October 2015 (‘Interpreting Communities: Minority Writing in European Literary Fields’), this conference will unite researchers for two days of systematic, comparative study of the content, form, status, and reception of ‘minority’ writing in Europe in the 20th and 21st centuries.
This second conference on the topic is designed to feed directly into a publication that aims to offer a continent-spanning consideration of writers and writing from small communities in Europe. By building upon and challenging Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of ‘minor’ literature and other aligned theories, we aim to find new ways of analysing texts produced by writers who have been ascribed ‘minority’ status. Overall, we are keen to explore the aesthetic and political power of literature to represent, re-formulate and shape communities.
The three main strands of our enquiry, then, are the analysis of acts of representation, the post-representational potential of ‘minority’ literature and the extra-textual factors influencing its production and reception. In this search for new and better ways of understanding works categorised as ‘minority’ (in the manifold terms used across European countries), our enquiry seeks to consider how literary markets, publishers, critics, students and others absorb this categorisation and how works might resist or ‘disorient’ established expectations.
Both the conference and the publication will be organised into three sections:
• ‘Mapping Europe’: papers interested in identity politics; the concepts of ‘centre’, ‘periphery’, ‘minor’, ‘minority’, etc.; small vs. large literatures; Europe’s physical and conceptual boundaries; concepts of ‘Europeanness’ and community/nation/state identity as they affect or appear in literary works.
• ‘Circulation and Readership’: papers engaging with questions of ‘the text in the world’; i.e. the teaching, marketing, publishing and reception of ‘minority’ literatures and how this responds to ‘the world in the text’, as well as papers addressing questions of ‘translation’ in its broadest sense, translingualism, and the dialogue between ‘academic’ reading and other forms of reading practice.
• ‘Acts of Unsettling’: papers focusing on the ways that ‘minority’ writers resist and/or that consider the possibilities for and limitations of critique within systems where ‘minority’ literatures circulate.
While we welcome any proposals engaging with any of the areas listed above and any body of minority writing in Europe, we are particularly interested in:
• Historical and political considerations of ‘Europeanness’, pre- or post-EU
• Minority writing in Southern and Eastern Europe
• The influences of the publishing industry
• The teaching of / academic engagement with minority writing.
N.B.: While primarily focused on literary writing, we are also interested in proposals for papers concerned with film and visual culture.
200-word abstracts for papers of 20-minutes length are invited by 31 August 2016 to Malachi McIntosh ( and Godela Weiss-Sussex ( All submissions should, within the subject-line, include which of the three strands they align with.
Thursday, 23 and Friday, 24 February 2017
Venue: University of London, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
5) I am looking for contemporary writers who have self-translated (or who are currently self-translating) their work from major romance languages (French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese) into English.
If you know of any living authors active in self-translation in these language combinations, please let me know.
Kind regards,
Arianna Dagnino, PhD
Department of French, Hispanic and Italian Studies
The University of British Columbia
Transcultural Writers (creative nonfiction&exegesis):
Fossils (transcultural novel):
6) Job opening: PhD fellowship in Classics at Ghent University
The Department of Literary Studies at Ghent University (Belgium) is seeking well-qualified applicants for a fully-funded and full-time doctoral research fellowship (4 years), starting on 1 October 2016 or as soon as possible thereafter. The successful applicant will work on a project entitled Latin to Greek. The Latinity of the Ancient Greek Love Novel. The project is generously supported by the Flemish Research Council (F.W.O.-Vlaanderen).
Deadline of applications: 10 July 2016.
For more information and details on how to apply, please see
Please address any queries to .
Dr Eleni Philippou