Panel discussion: Mobility, Migration and the Bioeconomy
13 February 15:30 to 16:30
Summer Common Room, Magdalen College, University of Oxford
Dr Ruben Andersson (University of Oxford); Professor Sarah Green (University of Helsinki); Dr Hans Lucht (Danish Institute for International Studies, Copenhagen); Dr Madeleine Reeves (The University of Manchester); Professor Nikolas Rose (King’s College London); Dr Marthe Achtnich, (University of Oxford)
This open panel is the final event of a closed workshop on Mobility Bioeconomies taking place earlier that day, organized by Dr Marthe Achtnich, University of Oxford. Panellists will reflect on how we may bring mobility, migration and the (human) bioeconomy, or the economization of mobile life itself, into conversation. The panel will address questions of how multiple modes of value creation through mobility might operate, from bodies to data, from borders to people and animals, and from mobility itself, as well as how unauthorised movement, local and transnational border governance might interface with other trends towards the economization of life.