Oxford Holocaust Memorial Events Series | Quotes

Welcome to the Oxford Holocaust Memorial Events Series 2022. Each year, on Holocaust Memorial Day (27th January), we come together to remember the six million Jews killed during the Holocaust and the millions who suffered under Nazi persecution and in subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. The theme for HMD 2022 is ‘One Day’, encouraging us to think about the individual days in history that hold extreme significance, the days when life changed for victims of genocide, and the day in the future without genocide towards which we all strive.

But ‘One Day’ also acts as a sombre reminder that a day will come when Holocaust survivors are no longer around to share their powerful testimonies. On that day, it will fall to us to tell their stories. This events series builds on the online Oxford Holocaust Memorial Lecture Series in January-February 2021, bringing together high-profile individuals from the UK's Holocaust commemoration community in person for open discussion and bridge building between members of the University and influential figures in political, civic, academic, and public life.

Although 77 years after the end of the Holocaust, its history and memory remain important for a society facing rising antisemitism, contemporary genocide, and international humanitarian crises. Learning and reflecting on the Holocaust thus encourages us to consider what we want our common future to look like. This series, aware that one day survivors will not be around to tell their stories, asserts the responsibility of younger generations to carry their memory.


If you attended or watched any of the events as part of the Oxford Holocaust Memorial series we would be delighted to hear your feedback. Please click here to complete a short online survey. Thank you.