Alex and Kitty Tait run the phenomenal The Orange Bakery in Watlington, Oxfordshire, full of creative, constantly changing recipes - you will find memorable marmite loaves and chocolate and tahini rolls if you get to the shop before everything sells out. You can follow their journey on instagram.
Before setting up the Bakery with Kitty, Alex was working as a Disability Advisor at Oxford University and is looking at creating opportunities through the business for young unemployed people and people who have left prison, offering the chance to train and gain new skills.
Kitty is interested in the power of business for change and the impact it can have on people's lives, having successfully crowdfunded this first business with her father at 15.
They are currently writing a book with their story and recipes “Breadsong: How Bread Changed Our Lives”, which will be published in 2022 by Bloomsbury.
Kitty talks about:
Crowdfunding the business and the possibility of being neurodiverse.
The challenges of being at school and how it wasn’t the right environment
Loving multi-tasking
Moving from 4th set into 1st set at school and dealing with burnout
Alex talks about:
Common challenges and strengths seen in students whilst working as a Disability Advisor, seeing many dyslexic students struggle with conceptualizing time.
Moving away from labels and towards terms like ‘neurodiversity’
Food and community
The way the world is changing being an opportunity for people who think slightly differently.
Please follow the link to the inteview.