Ryan is currently studying a Dphil in Inorganic Chemistry looking at new scaffolds for drugs or ways of modifying proteins under mild conditions. Originally from Tyrone, Northern Ireland, Ryan has completed his MSci degree in Medicinal Chemistry at Queen's University Belfast.
Ryan Talks about
Getting 4 GCSE’s and almost not getting back into school for A-levels
Being assessed as dyslexic early-on
Receiving 1-1 English lessons through the education system in Northern Ireland
Innate ability to break down and rebuild complex 3 Dimensional structures.
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“School was interesting. I went from being in a very low special class to being in the top class. When I first went in, I was originally quite difficult because I had a lot of subjects – RE, Science, English. I only got 4 GCSE’s, I kind of struggled with them. But then as I narrowed down to my A levels. I just got back into my school– Because the quota was 5, they were down on their recommended number for science, so they let me in. I said ‘I want to do biology and IT’ and they were like sorry you don’t have the grades and we need people to fill chemistry – so we want to put you in chemistry instead. And I kind of flourished in chemistry and biology and sciences- and got great results and it rolled on from there.”
“The habit was just built up- this idea that I wasn’t meant for school [...] I remember getting my results and being really heartbroken because I got 4 GCSE’s - double award science, art and math. It was 5 to get in.”
“A lot of the time organic chemistry is referred to as chemical architecture.”