2016-17: Prince George of Denmark and his Admirals (1702-08)

Prince George by Kneller

'Prince George of Denmark and his Admirals (1702-08)'


Knowledge Exchange Fellow:
Dr Julie Farguson   |   Faculty of History   |   University of Oxford

Partner Organisation:
Royal Museums Greenwich



In its 400th anniversary year, Royal Museums Greenwich is repositioning the Queen’s House as a visitor destination. Curators want to increase the emphasis on royalty and portraiture in the house, charting the changing relationship between this important building, the people who created it, and those who lived and worked there, from royalty and courtiers to the Navy. By facilitating a reinterpretation of a group of portraits known in the museum as the Admirals Series, this partnership with Royal Museums Greenwich, will showcase the artistic patronage of Prince George of Denmark (1702-1708): Prince Consort to Queen Anne (r. 1702-14) and Lord High Admiral. One of the aims of this project is to explore George of Denmark’s Scandinavian identity, in the context of foreign consorts as agents of cultural transfer, and the influence this had on his commissions. The partnership will result in enhanced online catalogues, the production of new material for RMG websites, engagement in academic programmes at the museum, and in the longer term, an exhibition.

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