Funding Research for the Future of the Historic Parish Church

A black and white picture of the deserted church. One standing arch provides the frame for a view of the bell tower.

The church of St Andrew at Covehithe. © CCT

The Heritage Partnerships Team  is pleased to celebrate one more funding success for our collaboration with the Churches Conservation Trust (CCT). This project follows up on a range of funded collaborative research projects that were successfully completed since our initial scoping workshop in May 2020.

Dr Pegram Harrison and Professor Michael Smets (Said Business School) have been awarded a Management Knowledge Transfer Partnership with the CCT. This project will support the CCT in its ambitious vision to set up a national commercial service to provide maintenance to listed buildings, with a focus on places of worship. This service will be set up as a profit-making division that sits alongside CCT's existing charitable function, and the profits raised will provide vital funds for CCT's charitable work in conservation and regeneration.
This MKTP project will support the CCT to realise its strategic aims by transferring knowledge from Oxford University's Saïd Business School (SBS), which has particular expertise in organisational change in professional service firms such as the CCT and in developing entrepreneurial management capabilities in the heritage sector. Over 24 months, the academic team will coach and support CCT teams, building the capability to expand CCT's commercial enterprise.
The project will start in Spring 2022. 

Churches Conservation Trust

TORCH Heritage Programme