Global Gender: Pasts, Presents, Futures.

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Global Gender: Pasts, Presents, Futures.

A 3 day international conference in Oxford. 

At a time when gender is at the centre of contemporary debate, academics, curators, writers and filmmakers in a set of interdisciplinary discussions asking: How have ideas of gender changed over time and space? Why has the issue become so polarising today? How might environmental, technological and demographic change shape gender politics and identities in the future?

Monday 24 June 2024

Day 1, Gender Pasts
All Day: Lecture Theatre, Ashmolean Museum

9am: Registration
9.30am: Welcome and Introduction (Maria Misra)

9.45am - 12.15 noon: 

Session 1: Global Pasts: The Colonial World
This panel will consider gender in pre-colonial Africa, Asia, and the Americas and the ongoing influence of colonial gender ideologies and practices

Mrinalini Sinha, (Michigan)
Spectres of Mother India (2006)
Nwando Achebe (Michigan State)
Female Monarch and Merchant Queens in Africa (2020)
Lisa Tatonetti (Kansas State)
Written by the Body: Gender Expansiveness and Indigenous Non-cis Masculinities (2021)
Discussant: Sebastian Conrad (Berlin)
Chair: Matt Cooke (Oxford)

12 noon - 3.00pm: 

AHRC Public Engagement Displays and
Tours at the Ashmolean

-Young Creators Pop-up Photography Exhibition
-Young Curators Pop-up Tours
-Antiquities Tour with Anja Ulbrich (Ashmolean)

1.15 - 2.15pm

You can also visit the Queer Armenian Library at the Weston Library


Tuesday 25 June 2024

Day 2, Gender: Presents and Futures
Morning: O’Reilly Theatre, Keble College;
Afternoon: Lecture Theatre, Ashmolean Museum

9.00am: Registration.

9.15am - 10.30am: Raewyn Connell, University of Sydney

10.45am - 1.00pm
Session 3: ‘Presents’
This panel will discuss today’s highly polarised debates on gender and ask why the issue has become so central to contemporary global politics and culture.

Elzbieta Korolczuc (Stockholm and Warsaw)
Co-author of Anti-gender Politics in the Populist Moment (2021)
Nilufer Gole (Paris)
Islam in Europe: The Lure of Fundamentalism and the Allure of Cosmopolitanism (2010)
Derek Hird (Lancaster)
‘Masculinities in China’ in Routledge Handbook of East Asian
Gender Studies (2019)
Chair: David Priestland (Oxford)
Discussant: Faisal Devji (Oxford)


2.00 - 3.00pm

You can also visit the Queer Armenian Library at the Weston Library


3.30pm - 5.45pm

Session 4: ‘Futures’

As we confront economic change, demographic shifts, the rise of powerful new technologies and the threat of catastrophic climate change, we ask what the impact might be on the gendering of work and markets, and the future of feminism.

Speakers Judy Wajcman (LSE) Technofeminism (2004) Leslie Salzinger (Berkeley) Genders in Production: Making Workers in Mexico’s Global Factories (2003) Catherine Rottenberg (Goldsmiths) The Rise of Neoliberal Feminism (2018)

Discussant: Maria Misra (Oxford) Chair: Patricia Clavin (Oxford)


Wednesday 26 June 2024

Day 3, Gender in Film and Fiction

Morning: Old Dining Room, St Edmund Hall

9.30am - 1.30pm:
Gender and the Global Novel
In Conversation with Elleke Boehmer (Oxford)

Xiaolu Guo
Author & filmmaker, A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers (2007); Radical: A Life of My Own (2023)
Margie Orford,
Author of Daddy’s Girl (2006); The Eye of the Beholder (2022)

Afternoon: Phoenix Picture-House Cinema

Gender and Global Film

2.00pm: Welcome

2.00pm - 4.00pm:
Screening of Joyland (2022),
Jury Prize and Queer Palm, Cannes 2022

4.00pm - 4.20pm: Tea Break

4.20pm - 5.20pm: Discussion with Director Saim Sadiq

5.50pm - 7pm: Screening of Wayfaring Stranger (2024)

7pm - 8pm: Discussion with Director Andrea Luka Zimmerman 
Jarman (Award 2020)

See the full programme and register for specific session

Find out more and download the full programme here