The Frib-Ox Study Day 2019.
Written papers will be circulated to all participants on 11 January.
Welcome and Introduction.
Session 1: Life, Death, and Afterlife.
Chair: Emma Claussen.
Nupur Patel, ‘An Imagined Life and an Afterlife in Selected Works of Catherine des Roches’.
Arnaud Wydler, ' L'influence des vies de saints dans la Correspondance de Sévigné'
Respondents: Alain Viala + Antoine Vuillemier.
Session 2: Paper Lives.
Chair: Nina Mueggler
Pauline Quarroz, ‘Du mutisme au discours exemplaire: la vie en mots dans le Beuve de Commarchis’.
Nathalie Oddy, ‘Encore mieux en papier qu’en la chair vifve: l’écriture consubstantielle and Montaigne’s real life of the embodied mind’.
Respondents: Olivia Tolley + Claude Bourqui.
Lunch for participants
Session 3. Lives Liveable and Writeable.
Chair: Simon Park
Philippe Panizzon, ‘Sufism, the Transsexual and the Notion of ‘Liveable Life’ in Abdellah Taïa’s Work’.
Yvonne Saaybi, ‘Sainte Lydwine de Schiedam, une hagiographie entre réécriture et reconstruction’.
Respondents: Rachel Skokowski and Marion Uhlig.
4.00-5.30: Session 4. Lives of Their Own.
Chair: Sophie Jaussi
Matthieu Corpataux, ‘legs en la disparition’: les Vies du Coup de Dés de Mallarmé’.
Madeleine Chalmers, ‘Speculate to Fabricate: Anarchist Dreams for Living Machines’.
Respondents: Gemma Tidman + Jean Rime.
5.30 General Discussion
Chair: Kate Tunstall
The Frib-Ox Graduate Study Days are supported
the Université de Fribourg,
the Oxford Modern Languages Faculty,
the Maison Française d’Oxford,
and now in 2019 by
the TORCH International Partnership Scheme.
Contact name: Kate Tunstall
Contact email:
Audience: Open to all